Det er veldig morsomt å jobbe: Jobber bare i lag med greie folk...i en butikk full av bøker. What's not to love?
Har blitt hekta på Boston Legal igjen...Mad Cow, jeg bare sier det. Ah, good times:P

Brian Stevens: Motion for continuance is denied.
Denny: You know what I'm going to do, Brian, just to show you there are no hard feelings? I'm going to sleep with your wife.
Denny: Here's a little secret. I know things. Don't tell.
Alan: That secret seems unbelievably safe.
Alan: Denny, I could be wrong, but you might want to think about settling this.
Denny: You're absolutely right. You could be wrong.
Melissa: How's my hair? Does my hair work?
Alan: It does appear to grow each month.
Denny: Alan you know the one thing we sometimes forget is no matter how hard your day, no matter how tough your choices were, how complex your ethical always get to choose what you want for lunch.
Alan: Daily I am amazed at your inexhaustable ability to just live.
Denny: It's either that or die.
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